Getting the Most Out Of Physical Therapy at Swetlic Chiropractic & Physical Therapy
Getting the Most Out Of Physical Therapy at Swetlic Chiropractic & Physical Therapy
By: Tori Smith, Physical Therapy Assistant
Many people assume physical therapy is merely for elite athletes, accident victims, and those who recently underwent surgery. Physical therapy is highly beneficial for patients with chronic pain, weakness, or mobility limitations.
In many instances, pain gradually develops. This discomfort is often caused by repetitive use or over use of the effected joint, causing excessive wear and tear on the tissues and joint itself.
Physical therapy helps the body overcome these injuries through a combination of manual therapy, stretching, and strengthening. With consistent treatment in the clinic and performance of prescribed home exercise program, patients can expect to make progress towards their goals. Patients should be aware that progress can be slow and to stick with it.
Tips Designed To Help Recipients Maximize Their Experience
Patients beginning a course of therapy may get the most out of it by adhering to the following suggestions:
Recalling Their Health History
During a patient's initial visit, the therapist will pose notable health-related questions including when the pain started or what activity ultimately led to the need for intervention.
Identifying Goals
Patients should have realistic goals of what they would like to achieve through physical therapy treatment.
Attending All Sessions
The number of sessions will vary depending on several factors. Regardless, attending each session is crucial to get optimal benefit from treatment.
Home Exercise Programs
It is important that patients perform prescribed home exercises consistently to increase the benefit of in clinic treatments. Consistency with home exercises will also build a routine for long term management of symptoms following physical therapy.
Ask Questions
Oftentimes, patients who ask questions resolve underlying issues. Patients who ask questions and are invested in their care tend to have better outcomes.
Communicate Effectively
If issues or concerns arise between sessions in regards to previous treatment session or home exercises, patients are urged to speak up and communicate the problem at the next visit so that the clinician can address the issue.