Microneedling with Dr. Jim: Month One Video Demonstration
Month One of Dr. Swetlic’s Journey With Microneedling in Knox County, Ohio
Incredible skin rejuvenating process with little downtime, effective and affordable!
Good morning everyone, it’s Dr. Jim! It’s a beautiful Monday morning and I’m here to give you a little update on what procedure I had performed last week by our nurse practitioner. It’s called microneedling and it is intended to provide an affordable way for you to have a local procedure with very little down time to enhance my appearance and smooth my skin structure on my face.
In my particular case, I volunteered to inject stem cells and all around my face to help get rid of blemishes help of some of the wrinkles and just over-all help enhance the firmness and smoothness of my skin.
Month ONE of my microneedling experience has me noticing some incredible results already!
Improved shaving results: I used to get a lot of cuts and nicks on my face when I shave due to a really thick beard. Shaving is so easy now.
My wife is noticing firmness: removing blemishes, tightening up their skin, and getting rid of
crow’s feet wrinkles.
Facial and body scarring: some of our team here at Swetlic Chiropractic & Physical Therapy are noticing scars starting to disappear.
Acne scars: some of our team is noticing the disappearing of acne scars they have had most of their life.
This procedure that is performed with the SkinPen® has been nationally recognized as being performed on the Kardashians and featured on national news programs. Mostly because is it so affordable, effective, and it’s a FDA approved device that produces such great results, at an affordable price, with little down time.
We invite you to give us a call at the office 740-392-1407 and schedule your free consultation. Or visit our website www.swetlichealth.com and fill out a contact form and we will be in touch to schedule your free consultation.
We would be more than happy to explain the procedure completely to you, what to expect, let you know the answers to our most frequently asked questions and advise you of how many phases you are a candidate for. Hope to talk to you soon!
Stay tuned for more updates on this journey that we will be sharing on our blog: https://swetlichealth.com/health-updates-with-dr-jim/