Neck Pain Symptoms and What They Could Mean
Neck Pain Symptoms and What They Could Mean
By: Tori Smith, Physical Therapy Assistant
The symptoms of neck pain can vary widely. For some, neck pain could be just a mild annoyance. For others, neck pain can be debilitating. Whatever pain symptoms you are experiencing, Swetlic Chiropractic & Physical Therapy invites you to contact us today so we may help pinpoint a cause and provide you some relief.
Common Symptoms of Neck Pain
Sharp pains- You may feel a sharp, stabbing pain that is localized to one area with specific movements or positions.
Stiff neck- You may have difficulty moving your neck due to stiffness. Often more common in morning and evening.
Radiating pain- This type of pain can radiate down along the nerves of your neck and cause pain, numbness, and tingling down the arm and into the hand.
Soreness- You may describe the pain as achy or tender instead of sharp.
Headaches- The irritation that you feel in your neck may lead to issues with the nerves and muscles connected to your head. This may lead to a tension headache when the neck muscles tighten up.
Difficulty lifting and gripping objects- Nerve pain can cause this if there is numbness, weakness, or tingling in your fingers.
How Do Neck Pain Symptoms Develop?
Gradual Onset- Neck pain may develop over time due to repetitive motions, posture, or work station positioning.
Post Injury- Neck pain following a car accident, sports injury, or fall.
With no warning- You may start to experience neck pain for no apparent reason.
The symptoms of neck pain may be constant, or they may come and go. Certain movements, such as coughing or bending, often make the pain worse. Neck pain does can go away without treatment, but you should always talk to your doctor if your symptoms persist of continue to get worse. Severe neck pain that is a direct result of major trauma should always be treated immediately.
We have been supporting our patients through pain management for over 30 years. We have a very talented Chiropractic and Physical Therapy team to assist your personal needs. We welcome you to contact us today!